On the 21st of October the trimaran reached the Cape Verde shores (officially the Republic of Cabo Verde). The passage from Tenerife, Spain took 9 days. On the way the navigators faced boat breakdown once again after which they decided to thoroughly check the vessel as well as carry out necessary repairs prior to crossing the Atlantic.
On Thursday at 17:00 local time «Russian Ocean Way» was moored at the port city Mindelo, São Vicente.
Ildar Mukharashev
During the crossing travellers contacted the Coastal Centre daily via satellite phone. The last two days the boat went with a seriously broken helm. The first time the helm broke down at 314 miles distance from the shore. It was fixed with the help of ropes. A little later, when captain went on night watch, he found the helm broke down again and spent 1,5h fixing it. The remaining 54 miles to Cape Verde, the travellers crossed running on the motor with the sails retracted, because it was safer.
The crew reports operational information to the Coastal Centre of the expedition.
Elizaveta Shaimbayeva