Siberian voyagers continue their stay in Cape Verde. While repairing the vessel, Evgeny Kovalevsky and Stanislav Berezkin are carrying on with public diplomacy tasks and the shooting which is going to be the basis of the documentary about the expedition. So, the voyagers met Cape Verde students on October 28, and on October 30 they set off to a neighbouring island by ferry.
10 days after the Russian Ocean Way had cast off Mindelo, the captain of the trimaran Stanislav Berezkin finally shared his emotions about the city and the island:
“It’s very clean in Mindelo, even in slums it’s not so dirty. It’s a pleasure to look around. Cape Verdeans are very affable. They are fully content with their lives and not in a hurry. But those who are in a hurry usually leave the islands.” – noticed the captain.

On October 28 the voyagers met with the students of Atlantic Technical University in Mindelo. The meeting was held at the Faculty of Nautical Sciences. Having learnt about the round-the-world expedition of Evgeny and Stanislav, the students began to ask both technical questions, due to their future profession, and personal questions, such as the motivation of the crew, physiological and everyday problems during the voyage. Those present turned out to be so interested in the Russian expedition that they came to the marina on the next day to see the trimaran for themselves.
Besides, there was a meeting with the representative of Liberty International Sailing Club on October 29. The shipman of Labour Dave Perdue had a conversation with the voyagers about the history and culture of Russia. He noticed that the spirit of Siberia is close to him since he himself comes from Alaska. The meeting resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Club and Tomsk Division of Russian Geographical Society.
As the weekend falls, since the repair shop is closed, the voyagers decided to set off to the neighbouring island of Santo Antão. They came there by ferry on October 31. On the island there is an opportunity to get beautiful shots of a volcano for the documentary.
Evgeny Kovalevsky shared his impressions of Santo Antão:
“On the island there is an interesting volcanic relief with tuff and remains of lava everywhere, serpentine roads are passing through tunnels at the approaches here and there. And deep into the island everything is covered in greenery. There are a lot of flowers, banana and breadfruit trees are growing here.”
Elizaveta Shaimbaeva